Get Exclusive
Painting Leads in Florida
in Real-Time

“I receive more than 30 calls each month… My business has nearly tripled!"
What Separates 99 Calls From The Rest
No painting business can survive off of referrals alone. To keep your calendar filled with jobs … to generate predictable profits each and every month … you MUST have a proven source of continuous, high-quality painting leads.
That’s what separates 99 Calls from the rest.
You see, at 99 Calls, we don’t send leads to your competitors. We place your business in front of online prospects who will call you directly. We don’t give you stale leads that are weeks (or months) old.
You get the leads directly, in real time. We don’t provide unqualified leads that rarely turn into revenue. YOU tell US what a qualified lead is.
We simply work incredibly hard marketing your business so you can:
Benefit from a Steady Stream of Real-Time Painting Leads
Receive EXCLUSIVE, live painting leads
Get Residential & Commercial Painting Leads / Interior and Exterior Painting Leads
How 99 Calls Generates Leads for Painters in Florida
The 99 Calls lead generation system is proven to deliver top-quality painting leads.
Here's How it Works
Optimized Website
We start by creating a search engine optimized (SEO) painting website and mobile site exclusively for you.
You get local traffic and real-time painting leads.
Local Search Engines
Next, your local painting business is promoted to top local search engines (Google, Bing, ad Yahoo) and other important online directories
Your business is featured whenever someone searches for local painters.
Reviews and Testimonials
We help you obtain excellent reviews and testimonials from your happy clients.
Potential customers see your awesome reviews and give you a call right then!
High-Quality Painting Leads
Each and every month, count on a steady stream of high-quality painting leads exclusively for you.
Before long, you’ll get more leads, more calls, more jobs and more revenue!
Facebook and Google My Business
Updates and current specials are continually blasted on social platforms such as Facebook and Google My Business.
You'll earn the respect of Google and potential customers as a relevant expert in your field, get found and get LEADS!
Our local SEO and local advertising experts know how to position your painting business as THE go-to source for quality results. We’ve proved it to hundreds of painters throughout the country. Sure, many of them were skeptical at first… but now they’re getting consistent, reliable painting jobs.
Actual Painting Leads Received by
99 Calls Customers
We know what you’re thinking: “So, if I sign up today, what can I truly expect in terms of leads?” Well, here’s a small sampling
from the hundreds of painting leads our clients continuously receive every day:

"Seeking an estimate for exterior paint job- whole house and trim. Cedar siding on 3 sides and brick on the front."

“Looking to get a quote on getting the exterior trim painted on my 2 story 1500 sqft house. The past owner painted about 2 years ago & it looks like it's flaking & not sticking.”

"Good Afternoon, I am the HR Director at *****, and we would like to have a quote on having 4 offices painted."

“I have a 2,000 sq ft home that is currently empty that needs to be painted and would like to get a quote. Basic color throughout. It's going on the market.”

High Quality, Real-Time Leads
Why 99 Calls Painting Leads for Florida Painters Are Better Than The Rest
Here’s how most lead services work: They sell the SAME exact lead to multiple painters. Because they’re starving for business, they ALL call this poor, unsuspecting person… then they all DROP their prices to win the job. If the prospect isn’t totally turned off by now, the winning bidder gets the job slightly over margin. FAIL!
That’s not us. By getting your business ranked highly on ORGANIC online searches (not those less trusted paid ads), customers will find YOU and call YOU directly. You'll receive live leads from motivated customers
Exclusive Painting Leads: Your painting prospects come directly to you — they aren't doled out to multiple competitors. 99 Calls is a great alternative to shared lead providers such as HomeAdvisor, Thumbtack, Networx, and Painter Choice /
High Quality, Real-Time Leads: All you have to do is answer your phone!
Low Cost / High ROI: 99 Calls exclusive painting leads cost between $6 and $29.90 per lead. Because these are exclusive leads, from motivated buyers, our clients close a very high percentage, so a tiny investment becomes a major win!
Read More
A Proven Lead Generation System
Managed By A Smart Hard-working Team
As valuable as our lead generation system is, it’s really our team that makes 99 Calls stand apart. There’s a reason why we have earned and maintained an A+ Better Business Bureau (BBB) Rating.
There’s a reason why our clients recommend our service to their friends and family. There’s a reason why most of our clients stay with us year after year after year.
It’s our dedication to extraordinary service. We treat you like family. We do what we say we will do. We bend over backward to generate painting leads for painting contractors and help their businesses thrive.
"Great Customer Service. The team is always working with me to create better success for my business! They're very helpful and informative."
Matt Fletcher
MF Paint Management LLCThe Sooner You Start,
The Sooner You’ll Get That First
Painting Lead!
Call (800) 717-4669
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